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Hong Kong Taxi Fare Caculation

HK Taxi Fare


Macau Taxi Fare Caculation

Macau Taxi Fare


Hong Kong Slang

HK Slang

A neat keyboard

Magic Card Sense


A card sensing app


Manes Venom

  • Hong Kong Taxi Fare Caculation

    Launch of HK Taxi Fare

    The HK Taxi Fare app help you to estimate the Taxi fare in Hong Kong in real time and save money easier.

  • Macau Taxi Fare Caculation

    Launch of Macau Taxi Fare

    The Macau Taxi Fare app help you to estimate the Taxi fare in Macau anytime even you are not in Macau and save your money easier.

  • Hong Kong Slang

    Launch of HK Slang

    Is a Chinese twisters keyboard that you can enter the twister directly without knowing how to input any Chinese character.

  • Card Sense Magic

    Launch of Card Sense

    Is a magic card app for you to show off your card sensing ability to your friend.

  • Future
    Of Our

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